Tag Archives: Comics

Episode 60- What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?

sfr60albumIn the 60th episode of Superman Forever Radio, David decides NOT to do a commentary, and instead talk about the comic that inspired the material- Action Comics 775.

In a day and age when Superman is considered out of touch with the times, this show set out to correct that misconception- and this comic was at the epicenter of that movement.

It’s a passionate talk about what it means to be a Superman fan, and David has a message that he needs to get off of his chest.


Superman Forever Radio 26- July 2007


This episode explores the man of steel via the 31st century past, present, and future by way of a flashback device in Action Comics #850, an emotional story about Superman‘s loneliness.

Then it’s on to Superman #663, which features the young gods, Lightray, and finally something relevant to Camelot Falls, the semi-ongoing storyline.

Finally, it’s artificial life vs biological life, by way of BRAINIAC in Superman/Batman #35.

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Superman Forever Radio 22- May 2007


Welcome back.

Superman faces a unique and unexpected foe in Action Comics 848, which brings Superman to question himself, and the motivations of the foe.This week, we take a look at the Superman comics on shelves with a cover date of May, 2007.

Over in Superman 662, Camelot Falls picks up, and leaves us with more questions than answers. Subjekt 17, Zatanna, Power Girl, and Sirocco all make appearances, as well as a surprise cameo.

And finally, the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel team up to face… Doc Magnus and the Metal Men??? It’s all in Superman/Batman # 34.

Remember to come back Sunday for an all new episode.

Superman Forever Radio 20- April 2007


Welcome to the new format. This week, we look back to the Superman comics on shelves for April of 2007… both of them. Thanks to DC’s erratic (Late) publishing schedule, we have a lighter episode than normal.

We roll out the new comic book rating system, and look deeper into the New Earth era.

In Superman #661, The Man of Steel teams with Wonder Woman to take on a life-force draining villainess, and Lois shows Diana a cyber-Cafe.

We look at Wonder Woman’s history, and her relationship with Kal-El before moving on to our second book of the week.

In Superman Conidential #4, Superman receives a beat down, courtesy of Lex Luthor and Kryptonite, before Jimmy comes to his rescue, and delivers him to Clark Kent?!?!?

And we wrap up with e-mails- Is Pa Kent actually a liar?? Has Michael Bailey found the secret that could have fixed the entire New Earth era??? Listen and find out.