Tag Archives: Podcast

Episode 65- Building the Perfect Superman

sfr65albumThis time around, David lays out all of the components that make his perfect Superman.

From the voice and mannerisms of Christopher Reeve, to the look of Jose Garcia Lopez  (Praise be his name!) and beyond.

And, David tells his deepest, darkest secret, and gets it off of his chest in one of his most honest confessions ever!


Episode 64- Guardian Part 2

sfr64albumIt’s the final stretch for our coverage of Smallville Season 11, and Superman has his work cut out for him with a plotting Luthor, a dangerous General Sam Lane, and a new enemy.

Also, it’s the return of the Superman: The Animated Series coverage, with the return of Metallo– and a Volcano.

And, thoughts on digital comics.


Episode 63- Guardian part 1

sfr63albumThis time- it’s a jump into the digital comics realm, with the series Smallville Season 11.

Picking up where the smash hit series left off, a new interpretation of Superman takes us high into space, and then back down to earth as this young hero embraces his destiny.

And, let’s not forget Lex Luthor, newly Resurrection and dealing with some interesting complications of his own.

We look at the first six chapters of the series, picking up next week with the second half of the first storyline, “Guardian.”


Episode 62- Bizarrogirl

sfr62albumThe Maid of Might takes center stage this week, as David takes a look at a story from the team of Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle.

In the (Spoiler free) aftermath of New Krypton, Kara Zor-El is trying to decide of she wants to continue being Supergirl.

But, when a mysterious ship crashes to Earth, holding a twisted mirror image of Supergirl, she must take control, and plot a course for her own life of heroism.


Episode 61- Superman’s Pal

sfr61albumThis time around, we focus on Jimmy Olsen, Superman‘s Pal.

In a quartet of stories, we visit a silver-age Jimmy as he solves a mystery, with the clock ticking. From there, it’s off to the 30th century as Elastic Lad Teams up with the Legion of Superheroes.

And then, to the turn of the century as an older, and wiser Jimmy solves a mystery as editor-in-chief of the Daily Planet, and finally the man of action must track down his famous signal watch.
