Tag Archives: Metallo

Episode 64- Guardian Part 2

sfr64albumIt’s the final stretch for our coverage of Smallville Season 11, and Superman has his work cut out for him with a plotting Luthor, a dangerous General Sam Lane, and a new enemy.

Also, it’s the return of the Superman: The Animated Series coverage, with the return of Metallo– and a Volcano.

And, thoughts on digital comics.


Superman Forever Radio 53- The Man with the Kryptonite Heart



The beginning of the new year brings glad tidings, and we look at one of Superman‘s most recognizable foes, Metallo.

From the golden age prototype, Metalo, to The New 52, and Smallville– see what formed this villain, and what rendition of the character stands as Dave’s favorites.

Plus, why does this villain’s toy and video game appearances give Dave panic attacks?? Find out in the 53rd episode.

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