Tag Archives: Superman

Episode 79- A New Beginning

sfr79albumMonths ago, SFR went on an indefinite hiatus, but that hiatus is over.

It’s the beginning of a new era, as Superman Forever Radio returns, with a brand new host, and a brand new direction.

Bob Fisher discusses his comic book origin story as the new host of Superman Forever Radio.


Episode 78- The End (For Now)

78 endIt’s a goodbye episode, but it’s only goodbye for now.

Due to real-life doing what it does (get in the way) David is stepping down from the podium of Superman Forever Radio.

From the bottom of his heart, David wants to thank all of you for making this show such a big part of your lives, and for being a part of David’s.



Episode 77- 75 Years of Steel Part 1

sfr76albumThis week, the show is back from vacation, and recorded as a live broadcast. Dave starts the ultimate read-through of one story from each and every year of Superman’s existence, beginning in 1938, and going to 1941.

If you want to catch a live recording, head over to www.supermanforever.com/live on Mondays at 3pm CST (1PM PST/4PM EST) to listen to the live broadcast.
