Superman Forever Radio 27- Superman: Requiem


This week brings a HUGE episode, as the writer/producer/director of Superman:Requiem joins the Man of Steel himself, Martin Richardson to talk about the upcoming movie.

From the film’s inception, to casting, to childhood memories of Superman, the interview covers everything about Superman: Requiem. To follow updates on the movie‘s progress, you can visit, or follow our guests on twitter-

@supermanrequiem (The film itself), @genefallaize (Gene Fallaize), and @mrricharson84 (Martin Richardson)This week brings a HUGE episode, as the writer/producer/director of Superman:Requiem joins the Man of Steel himself, Martin Richardson to talk about the upcoming movie.

Then, Michael Bailey of From Crisis to Crisis, a Superman Podcast, joins me to discuss the hot button topic of Superman renouncing his U.S. citizenship. From a simple back-up story in Action Comis #900, the controversy has spread as far as FOX news, and beyond.

Michael and I attempt to put some perspective on “The Incident” and who Superman is in relation to the United States.

And don’t forget to check out the SFR DAILY PLANET every Monday through Friday, and as news happens on the weekends, as well as Thursday’s review episode, in which we will look at the Superman comics cover-dated August, 2007.

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