Tag Archives: Greatest Superman Stories Ever Told

Episode 119 – Super DAD??!

In episode 119 host Bob Fisher talks briefly about his long time off and  why. He then tells a story about his new cape! Yep. Bob has a new cape!!

Then Bob turns his attention to Action Comics 232 and the story of Superman Jr.! Who is Superman Jr. and why is Superman his father and what kind of Dad IS Superman??

These questions and more attempt to be answered as Bob stumbles, bumbles and fumbles through this weird little Silver Age story with an awkwardly surprising ending!

Which is more confusing? The story or Bob’s summary? You decide!


Episode 86 – Super Conversation with Jon M Wilson!

sfr album 86What happens when a couple of Superman fans are left without proper adult supervision? Well, they talk about Superman, a lot!

Join Bob Fisher as he talks to fellow podcaster and Superman fan Jon M Wilson about his current reading project, Superman 162, the new 52 and more.
